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How Do You Stay Cool While Camping?


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Camping in 90℉ heat is no joke. It can drain your body of energy and water. Since it’s peak summer camping season, we’ve put together some tips on how to stay cool while camping.

Because while summer camping is the best, staying cool isn’t.


Tent Air Conditioner

Use theColku portable air conditioner. If you have access to power, it's easy to install. Simply plug it in; place it inside the tent, adjust the air conditioner to suit your environment, and then close it with the tent fly or door so you can keep the cool air inside. For details on Colku GCP15 Portable Air Conditioner 220v ,read this.


Camping at High Altitudes

One way to beat the heat is to plan ahead to go to high altitudes. The temperature drops 1 degree Celsius for every 100 meters of elevation gain, and 3.5 degrees Fahrenheit for every 1,000 feet of elevation gain. Simply planning a summer camping trip to the mountains will keep you cooler than staying in the lowlands.


Camping Near Water

While this may be obvious to many campers, we decided to start with this simple tip rather than skipping it.

Camping near water is an easy way to stay cool. Whether it’s a stream, river, pond, or lake, a body of water provides an opportunity to take a dip and remove sweat and heat from the body.

Not only that, but water increases airflow, creating a natural cooling effect. This is true for both moving and still water.

The moving air cools the space around the water as it moves through a stream or river. The cooler air also settles in low-lying areas where ponds and rivers are located.

So not only does cool air descend into basins and canyons, but water also supports vegetation. Trees and other leafy plants create shade—an essential respite from the sun’s heat.


Artificial Shade

Awnings, awnings and outbuildings are a great way to get shade no matter where you camp.

Let’s not forget, too, that these devices do more than just keep out the sun. They’re also useful in rainy and windy weather. So they’ll pay off pretty quickly.


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Your Car or RV

If all else fails, park your car and sit in an air-conditioned room to cool down for a minute. Drink some cold water or some other refreshing beverage while you lower your body temperature.

While this may seem like a bit of a "cop out" for some hardcore campers, sometimes long drives and camping trips—combined with the heat of the day—can be overwhelming. The simplest solution is to stop moving and find a cool spot to cool down.

Turn theRVair conditioning on full blast, put on some music, lean back, take a deep breath, and relax.


Stay Cool and Clean While Camping

There’s nothing better than working up a sweat while biking or hiking on a summer camping trip. While sweat is part of summer camping, you can only keep it up for a few days before you start craving a shower to cleanse yourself.

Plus, when it’s hot outside, nothing cools you off better than a refreshing shower.


If you have any other great tips for keeping cool while camping,please share them with us.